When you hear the phrase “real person,” what does that evoke in you? It’s a term we often hear from different people. Politicians want to tell stories that show their humanity. A new acquaintance might tell you they are who they are and unabashedly give you advice or their interpretation of a situation. Heck, even websites make you click all the squares with fire hydrants to ensure you are a “real person.” There are all those people who are “real” people, regardless of whether their words, stories, or assessments are true. Then there is Betty…
We could use many words to describe her, like kind, positive, and funny, just to name a few. Today, though, we will categorize her simply as a real person. A real person who has experienced hardship, death, birth, victories, and defeats. She is someone who has known real pain. I would love to use another analogy to describe how deep this pain has run, but it’s not necessary. You will see that emotion on her face and hear it in her voice. It doesn’t need an analogy. As someone who has people they love, I can only attempt to empathize. However bad that moment was, it did not define Betty.
After watching the video and reading this blurb, you probably have an idea of what you think you will see and hear in the four minutes and thirty seconds it takes from start to finish, and most likely, you are wrong. You will find a person who is thankful for putting both feet on the ground after a night of sleep. You will find a person who chooses to be positive. We all have a choice in how our day goes. I just wish more of us would choose to take every day as a blessing and another opportunity to be a light in the lives of others.